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A typical BNIB Meeting

Meetings follow a planned agenda designed to result in the maximum benefit for group members.

Although there is a fixed format, and there is a serious focus on generating business, there is also plenty of scope for the members to enjoy themselves and have fun at the meetings as well.  Members meet at 6.30am for 30 minutes of open networking where you will be introduced to the members and enjoy refreshments.

Breakfast is served and the official meeting then starts at 7:00am sharp.

The Meeting Agenda

  1. Open networking – a chance to chat to members and visitors
  2. Welcome everyone, introduce The Group’s Leaders
  3. Purpose and overview of BNIB
  4. Networking Education
  5. Passing of business cards
  6. Welcome any new BNIB members to the organisation
  7. Members introduce themselves and give 60-second presentation
  8. Welcome visitors to BNIB and have members introduce them
  9. Visitors give 60-second presentation
  10. Membership Manager’s Report
  11. Finance Manager announces rota of 10 minute presentations for next six
  12. weeks and introduces this week’s speaker(s)
  13. Speaker(s) gives 10-12 minute presentation
  14. Members pass business referrals
  15. Finance Manager’s Report
  16. Announcements, reminders and any other business
  17. Door prize draw: for members bringing visitors or referrals
  18. Close meeting

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